The holidays are behind us. The Elisabeth Motsinger for Congress campaign has swallowed up my time. I have gone days between workouts and long runs seem a thing of the past. (Actually they aren't, Just fewer and farther between.) To keep up my energy, however, I find it necessary to get out a few times each week to the gym or to run around Salem Lake.
NPR has made getting and maintaining momentum a little easier. So I have shared below some links that inspire me to keep going when the going gets tough. Check out the stories, video and music below and see if it might help you, too. jkm Read and listen. What Makes Newton-John Get 'Physical' At The Gym? |
Listen to and read the whole story from NPR |
Or just watch the Olivia Newton-John's video without the story and other suggested music.
And keep it going with The Ultimate NPR Workout Mix
Read the story and see the playlist
I'll try this. I like to load up some books on tape, like Too Big To Fail, then I get so mad about how people like Dick Fuld have run the economy aground and walked with hundreds of millions of $ that I get plenty of energy.